Howdy! This is me where I work at the Student Computing Center on Texas A&M University campus. The green vest means I'm a student worker and I get to answer everyone's questions. The place I'm at in this picture is called the Information Desk which is positioned at the front near the entrance of the SCC. This is where all the new students and their parents come in with bewildered looks. Then the parents ask these really crazy questions while their kid is shaking his/her head and will then tell them "I told you so" once I answer the question.
All in a day's work!
I randomly came across your blog using the blogger bar at the top of my blog (http://focalelement.blogspot.com)and thought I shoud give a shout out to a fellow Aggie. I just moved from College Station to Louisville, Kentucky and I would not be surprised if I had required your assistance while at the computer lab. I hope all is well in Aggieland.
Oh, you're proud, ain't you, Justin?
Props for getting the best "press the button and throw the camera away from you" shot *I've* ever seen. I don't know how you could have done this by yourself without a tripod, which I know cheap collage students wouldn't have.
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