Why I Want to be an American Soldier
The difficult thing about answering this question is the fact that there are countless reasons why a human being would want to join the military to defend their country. The difference between, say an Iraqi extremist soldier devoted to fighting America from and an American soldier devoted to defending the United States is freedom. Other tyrannical nations despise it and hate us for it. We love it and cherish it and are willing to lay our lives down for it. Not because we have the perverted belief of receiving 40 virgins upon our death. True devotion to one’s country is selfless. We go into the military knowing that the cost could be high and that if it is God’s will for our lives to be sacrificed for God and country, so be it.
Shortly after September 11, 2001, a fear crept upon me. A fear that a draft would be enacted and I would be forced to fight. Then, my senior year of high school, I began to consider it, but with the intention of being in a military band and as far away from combat as possible. However, I decided it would be best to wait until I completed college and thought that was the end of the matter.
Sophomore year of college at Texas A&M, the thought once again came to my mind only this time, the possibility of seeing combat was no longer an issue with me. I was in an undesired situation financially, but told myself I wouldn’t join such an honored body for the sake of needing money. That thought planted a seed and it grew.
I continued my education and then decided to talk to a recruiter just to see what my options were. Having dealt with recruiters before and having the assistance of my brother, I went in knowing how to filter through some of the garbage and what questions to ask. Obtaining the information I desired, I returned and continued my daily routine. Then, I decided to seriously consider it.
I then began to seek advice from my church family, my family, and friends. I told them it was possible, but had not decided just yet. After careful thought and prayer, I decided to start the process in April of 2006. I did all the preliminary paperwork and made appropriate arrangements. However, after getting to MEPS, there were some things they weren’t happy with. At this point, I wondered whether it was worth it. My reasons did not become clear until after I was initially denied entrance.
From there, I went to the Army National Guard to attempt to get in that way. Thankfully, things went more smoothly there. When I knew it was likely to get in, I then searched myself for reasons as to why I really wanted to do this. I had been so focused on getting in I had not sat down and listed reasons why. I knew why in my head, just not on paper. I knew it was the right thing to do and exactly a year later, on April 18, 2007 I signed my contract and was sworn in. I just hate it that mom had to hear Senator Harry Reid's infuriating statement on the radio on her way back home from my Swear In ceremony.
It has become a burning desire within me to do my part for my country, defend her and my loved ones from those that would do us harm. For 21 years, I have lived in the “land of the free and the home of the brave” without having to do anything for it. I have grown up hearing about what both of my grandfathers did in World War II. They are two of my heroes. Even though I will probably never go through what they did, I want to be able to tell them when I see them one day that I tried to do my part and was honored to be a part of what they were a part of.
I love this great country with all my heart. I love the freedom it offers and I love the Lord who blessed us with such a great country. It will be a great honor and privilege the day of graduation from Basic training to look at our country's flag and salute. I gladly and willingly "defend the Constitution of the
PFC Latimer
Congratulations! After Basic Training, have you heard what or where you be going?
You know Steven Puckett just graduated from the Naval basic training - 5th in a class of 500 - he is being moved to Norfolk VA for shore patrol.
Justin! It's been a while since I've seen you. Just to let you know, I think you are doing an incredibly honorable thing in joining up, and I for one, thank you and all the other soldiers who will be fighting for our country. Good luck.
I've thought about joining, but for now, all my concentration is on passing finals. ;-)
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