Thursday, December 08, 2005


Seven things to do before I die...
-Get married
-Then, have kids
-Graduate :D
-Be in a cross country bike race
-Go to Europe
-Go see Elder Gunasakaren in India

Seven things I cannot do...
-Eat anything with mayo
-Be perfect
-Hurt someone knowingly
-Throw the first punch
-Be a Liberal
-Forget Christ and what he's done for me
-Stop reading the Bible

Seven things that attracted me to my spouse (Change it to what "I'm looking for in a spouse")...
-Her deep love for Christ
-Her love for kids
-Her smile
-Her desire to serve God in all things
-The fact that she'd rather go to church on Sundays than sleep in
-Her kindness
-The fact that she loves me back:)

Seven things I say most often...
-Hooooly crap!
-good griefous!
-no kidding!

Seven books I love...
-The Bible
-The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich
-Prophet (by Frank Peretti)
-The Puritan Dilemma -The Story of John Winthrop
-Journey to the Centre of the Earth
-The Mysterious Island
-Cyrano de Bergerac

Seven movies I could watch over and over again...
-Major Payne
-The Patriot
-Air Force One
-Hunt for Red October
-In the Line of Fire

Seven people I want to tag...

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Results of my T-shirt

It's been certainly amusing seeing the reactions of those that have seen my new t-shirt. Interestingly enough, it's been either hate or love of the shirt. I've heard a single disapproving "psshht" yet quite a few big smiles and "I love his shirt!!".:) When I went to eat Monday afternoon, the lady I gave my student pass to to swipe my card for lunch voiced a highly disapproving opinion. She basically said that to vote for Hillary wouldn't be communism and I should open my mind to the left side of politics. I said the reason that I am wearing this t-shirt is because I did open my mind to the left side of politics.:D:D

Saturday, December 03, 2005

Good Grades and the End of School

This past week was pretty good. First, I found out I got a 'B' on my engineering Calculus exam which ends up being curved to an 'A'. Secondly, I made an 'A' on my Calculus II exam!!:-O That is definitely a first. Needless to say, I was feeling pretty darn good by Friday.:)

Right now, I'm in the middle of registering for next semester and then finals will be coming up in a little over a week. Then the semester will be ova!!! Only 7 days of school left! Classes officially end this coming Tuesday, but we have "reading days" Wednesday and Thursday. Friday is the first day of finals, but mine start the following Monday. Anyways, I'm pretty excited things are almost over for the semester. It's been tough.

I talked to Meg the other day about pictures from the BQ Ball. At some point, her and her old lady will be going to Wal-Mart to print out pictures, although due to circumstances I don't think she'll be in too much of a hurry.;) Aside from all that, nothing is really going on.