Wednesday, November 23, 2005

New T-shirt!

Check out my new t-shirt!

Monday, November 21, 2005

BQ Ball Details (pictures coming soon, hopefully)

The BQ Ball went pretty well this past Friday. I arrived outside the band hall where Meg and I arranged to meet. I was on time (6:50pm). She was about 15 minutes late:D. I'm not complaining at all, though. Those mean upperclassmen made them run 6 miles up until 6:00pm. She arrived around 7:05pm and looked soooo beautiful in her black and salmon dress.:) The peach rose corsage I got for her was perfect!

When we got to the Brazos Center where the ball was, we waited around a little bit then found some seats in the back where her Fish Buddies were sitting. She said it was so weird to see so many of her sophomores smiling. We took our seat and waited for them to announce how the food thing was supposed to work. I realized I was one of the few wearing a tux. Most of the non-reg guys were wearing suits. I did get a lot of compliments, though.:) Soon enough, a senior got on the mic and said, "Howdy!!" (as all Aggies do to get people's attention:D), "It's about time to start eating, so this is gonna be the order: Zips, Butts, ----heads, and Fish" (i.e. Seniors, Juniors, Sophomores, Freshmen). Of course, all the Fish started hissing....

Even though I would be considered a ---head, since Meg is a Fish, I had to wait>:( and I wasn't about to go get food for myself and leave Meg alone. Finally, it was time for the Fish to get in line. Boy, what a feast! Turkey, ham, dressing, salad, biscuits, string beans, sweet tea...mmmmmm!! Sure beats microwave dinners! I piled my plate up and finished in about 20 minutes! About that time, they introduced the live band. They started off by playing some country and throughout the night transitioned to pop and believe it or not, rap. All of those guys were white and "singing" Snoop Dog and Ludicrous. Meg and I did a lot of sitting since neither of us knew how to dance or really wanted to "dance" to that rap crap. At one point during the night we did do the Chicken Dance:D Then they played the Joe's Crab Shack song, so we danced to that. That was pretty much it. It was weird how much it felt like a high school.

Aside from that fact, both of us had a good time. She was glad to get a break because it had been Brass Push week and she was Whistle Jock on top of that. We left the ball around 11:30pm. All the Bulls had left and then a whole bunch of other people left too, so we decided to leave also. I took her back, we said our goodbyes, and I headed back to my place.

Sunday, November 20, 2005

Justin Needs.........

Several people started doing this so I decided I might as well.... Just go to Google, type in "your name needs" and then type out what you find.

Justin needs to know, and he needs to hear it from someone who cares.
Justin needs gmail.
Justin needs to be *immediately hospitalized* and monitored while the infection is taken care of.
Justin needs to touch my hair?
Justin needs parent(s) who will encourage emotional, social and intellectual progress within a closed classroom setting.
Justin needs Eric to let him believe that he's strong.
Justin needs to be banned.
Justin needs to be sent home.
Justin needs Help.
Justin needs to be taught that he is worth loving.
Justin needs a clue phone.
Justin needs counseling.
Justin needs to go back to the outpatient clinic tomorrow morning
and have some IV medication.
Justin needs to be taken off the streets.
Justin needs some sort of speech therapy.
Justin needs something.
Justin needs to learn when to stop.
Justin needs to find practical ways of contributing to others.
Justin needs no introduction to folks in Thomaston.
Justin needs love.
Justin needs that strength.

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

BQ Ball

The end of the week is approaching fast! Along with that, however comes one bad thing and one good thing: An Engineering Chemistry exam and the BQ Ball. For those of you who don't know already, I was asked to the BQ Ball by the girl I met in Symphonic Band. She just so happens to be in the Aggie Band also, so hence the reason she asked me. Just FYI, a BQ is anyone in the Aggie Band. BQ does stand for something, but I'll decline to say what it does stand for.

For some reason or another she seemed surprised I wanted to get her a corsage. I thought it was pretty much expected. It took some doing to figure out what would match her salmon and black dress. She finally decided a peach rose corsage would work best. So now everything is set. Friday is gonna be one busy day, though. I've got that chem exam, then I've got quite a bit to do to get ready for the ball.

Right after I finish the exam, it's run run run to the car on the other side of campus. Then I gotta head to the flower shop to pick up the corsage, get a haircut :D, then wash the car (which never has been washed since I got it), and finally go over the interior of my car with one of those lint roller things to make sure it's in tip-top shape. That should take a while and I'll be pressed for time because I've only got 2.5 hours from the time I get out of the exam to when I pick her up. In addition to all those things, of course I'll have to figure out how to get into my tux. I've only wore the thing once so it should prove to be an interesting task.

Aside from all that, it should be quite an enjoyable evening. I have no idea what's gonna go on at the ball aside from good food and good company.:) There will be dancing of course, but neither of us know how to dance. I talked to one of my co-workers about trying to find someone to give me a crash course. She told me not to worry about it. "White people can't dance anyways. Just get out on the floor like the other white people and fake it."

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

A Knight's Charge

Be without fear in the face of your enemies. Be brave and upright that God may love thee. Speak the truth always even if it leads to your death. Safeguard the helpless and do no wrong.

-From the movie Kingdom of Heaven

A Knight's Prayer

Almighty God, Eternal Father, Lord of Lords, have mercy upon me, a humble knight in Thy Divine Service. Oh Lord, I pray for Thy indulgence and blessings. Forget not Thine servant in his trials, nor his Order of Knighthood. I pray, that Thy Will be done in all things, both great and small.

Let me always be worthy of Thee, let me not forget Thee in good times nor bad. Armor me with the armor of Thy Righteousness, give me the sword of Truth that I shall confound Thine enemies and be unto Thee a true knight.

O Lord, in my hour of need, be with me. Let me never forget my sacred and holy vows unto Thee, that I should not be prey unto demons and devils nor the dark things of this world.
Let me always be a beacon unto those in distress, never allow me to forget my obligation unto the homeless nor the poor: let me serve Thee and Thine Eternal Throne all the days of my life. Let me always remember the obligations that I have taken upon me. Lord, if it is Thine Will, let me serve Thee forever!

If ever, oh Lord, I turn from Thee and this Order, let my name forever be cursed, may my spurs be broken and my body given unto demons to dwell with them forever in that Lake of Fire which Thou hast: prepared for the ungodly.

Power beyond Power, Pillar of Strength, Refuge of the Homeless, let me serve Thee for all the days of my life!


Monday, November 07, 2005

'V' as in Wictor?

I had an interesting conversation with a Travelocity customer service rep the other day. I was calling to make doubly sure my flight to GA was reserved and everything went through alright. Turns out everything was alright, but just in case, Mr. Shahamarakana Midikunamakar said he would read to me the "comformation noomers" (translation: confirmation numbers). The first time he read through it, I had no idea what he said. So he repeated. No idea again. So then he was getting a wee bit frustrated (as was I) and he decided to say the letters and then what the letter sounded like using another word (like 'b' as in ball). Here's what it was like:

"Ok, Mr. Laddymeer, dis is your comformation noomer foh your Delta flight:
'1', '3', 'atch' as in hotel, 'V' as in Wictor, '2', '6'.

Foh your Continental flight, your comformation noomer is:
'4', 'I' as in India (go figure), 'I' as in India, '8', 'P' as in papa, 'Q' as in Qatar. "

No joke. The confirmation number numbers (i.e. 8, 3, etc.) are modified for security reasons, of course but the letters are exactly what he said. Because I made the call at work, I told my supervisor about it. She was rolling in the floor.:D That was what kept me laughing for the rest of the day.:D

Thursday, November 03, 2005

"Leavin' on a Jet-plane"

I finally purchased my plane ticket for my trip to GA this December. The plan is to fly out Dec. 15 and return Jan. 11. This'll be my second time to fly, but the first time that it involves any sort of luggage. Now come the fears of my luggage getting lost:o. It's so amazing that a trip from College Station, TX to Atlanta, GA that normally takes around 14 hours by car will only take 1hr. 59 min.!!! Technology today.... The ticket was surprisingly cheap. I guess it's because I'm purchasing it so far ahead of time. I'm really looking forward to the holidays. The flight will be fun and it'll be great to see all my relatives and friends again!

Lesse, nothing much of note has happened lately. Did find out that next Monday in my swimming class we'll be learning to surface dive in the 17' deep pool:O. I was able to survive the last (and first) time we got in the deep pool. It was a shocker not being able to touch the bottom, but I finally overcame that and quickly learned (partially through panic) how to tread water. So that should prove to be an interesting day.

Well, I best be on me way. It's nice for once to have an evening of nothing to do. I think I might just sit here and do nothing for once.........