Monday, November 07, 2005

'V' as in Wictor?

I had an interesting conversation with a Travelocity customer service rep the other day. I was calling to make doubly sure my flight to GA was reserved and everything went through alright. Turns out everything was alright, but just in case, Mr. Shahamarakana Midikunamakar said he would read to me the "comformation noomers" (translation: confirmation numbers). The first time he read through it, I had no idea what he said. So he repeated. No idea again. So then he was getting a wee bit frustrated (as was I) and he decided to say the letters and then what the letter sounded like using another word (like 'b' as in ball). Here's what it was like:

"Ok, Mr. Laddymeer, dis is your comformation noomer foh your Delta flight:
'1', '3', 'atch' as in hotel, 'V' as in Wictor, '2', '6'.

Foh your Continental flight, your comformation noomer is:
'4', 'I' as in India (go figure), 'I' as in India, '8', 'P' as in papa, 'Q' as in Qatar. "

No joke. The confirmation number numbers (i.e. 8, 3, etc.) are modified for security reasons, of course but the letters are exactly what he said. Because I made the call at work, I told my supervisor about it. She was rolling in the floor.:D That was what kept me laughing for the rest of the day.:D


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Again I wonder why in the world we cannot have people for things like that that speak plain, no-need-to-translate English... *scratches his head*

November 08, 2005 4:09 PM  
Blogger LaceyP said...

That's hilarious! That always happens to me when I call 1-800 numbers...they can't ever understand my "deep south" accent. They usually say "where are you from?" and they completely understand when I say "Mississippi"! Great post...I love how you spell things so that they sound like what he said...priceless! :)

November 08, 2005 10:53 PM  
Blogger cpuaggie said...

Thanks! If they ask me that, I say I'm originally from Georgia and they're like, "You's from Georgia?? You ever go Russia while you there?"

November 09, 2005 10:00 PM  

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