Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Toe Be or Not Toe Be

Tuesday was a rather good day for me, in actuality. Class was going well and I had just found out that I had made a really good grade on my Engineering Chemistry exam. Work seemed to be going swimmingly as well. I was in such a good mood, I decided to move the empty boxes from the print room at work to the front of the computer lab where we stack them to eventually get picked up or handed out. Usually I have to get told to do this.:) Well, on the way back to the print room to get more empty boxes, I decided to take the shortcut back to the print room. You see, I could either go all the way down to the hall, go about 20 feet down the hall, turn left into Resource Desk, and then walk into print room or I could walk into where the students come to pick up their printouts and hop over a short counter-top and what used to be a swing-door that is now bolted shut. I decided to take that shortcut and when I hopped over the little swing-door, I landed on the other side right on one of my wittle bitty toes!:-0 Now just think about that. You've got about 145 pounds landing on one single toe. Something bad is bound to result.

At first I just had a sharp pain where the toe is. I went about my business, but about 5 minutes later the pain was getting so bad that I could hardly walk. I called from my station downstairs (because I was in Print 2) to my supervisor, explained what happened, and asked him what to do. He told me that I had to come down and fill out a work injury report. While we were filling that out, I asked about Worker's Comp. and he said I didn't qualify because I was just a student worker. I found that rather odd. I had called dad first when my toe was hurting really bad to get his advice and he told me I should get some form of Worker's Comp. to take care of everything.

I had two choices: since the "Quack Shack" (the Texas A&M Univ. clinic) had closed right after the incident, I could either go to the ER or wait until the next day and go to the "Quack Shack." I decided to do the latter (the cheaper route) and suffer through the night. I made it through the night decently. I got up early, called the "Quack Shack", and made an appt. When I was seen, I was getting ready to get X-Rays when one of the nurses told me that I could use Worker's Comp. if I went off campus. I told her my supervisor said I didn't qualify for it. Her eyes got wide and she said, "Oh yes you do! Either he is not wanting you to know or he hasn't kept up with the latest e-mails regarding policies."

So, I voted to leave the "Quack Shack" and go to the hospital to get checked out. Since I did indeed qualify for Worker's Comp.(confirmed by Human Resources) , I wouldn't have to pay a thing! So I went, got x-rays, and was informed by the doc that I had a possible fracture in that particular toe and one of the bones was visibly out of place. That being the case, he got a nurse to "buddy wrap" my toe with the toe next to it so it didn't move much and then put me in one of those annoying blue shoes that have Velcro straps. In addition, I was not to swim in my swimming class for two weeks :-\ and I was also to get a handicapped parking permit!!

So now, I have to hobble all over campus for my classes, but at least when I go out somewhere I can park in the blue handicapped parking spots!!! My toe does seem to be doing much better, but that may be because I'm taking 800mg Ibuprofen 3 times a day, which about twice the max dose on a regular bottle of Ibuprofen.:D I just can't wait to get that blasted shoe off and wear a normal shoe.


Blogger polemic turtle said...

Oh, you're so cute when you're clumsy, Justin! ;-)

Hope you get better real soon love tyler

October 06, 2005 7:26 PM  
Blogger cpuaggie said...

You're just too much.....

October 06, 2005 8:28 PM  
Blogger LaceyP said...

awww...that's really no fun. I've SO done that before! (broken my toe, not jumped over a door that's been bolted together and landed all 145 pounds of myself on it...I actually don't weigh 145 pounds...but I guess we won't get into that right now). Anyway...I guess I'm trying to say that I hope you feel better soon! No swimming for two weeks?! Handicapped permit? Wow! Now you know not to take the shorter route anymore!

October 06, 2005 11:20 PM  
Blogger cpuaggie said...

Well, I'll prolly still take the shortcut, just make sure I don't land on my toe.:) How did you break one of your toes, by the way?

October 07, 2005 1:32 AM  
Blogger LaceyP said...

I was playing "soccer" with one of my cousins (this is when I was younger), except we were indoors and we were just kicking around a wadded up piece of paper. Anyway, we both went to kick it, and his huge foot rammed into my little bitty foot and broke my pinky toe. It was not fun. I knew that it hurt, but I didn't know it was broken until it turned black and blue. I think that's the only bone I've broken...and I hope it stays that way! :)

October 08, 2005 2:33 AM  
Blogger polemic turtle said...

Lydia and I were once fighting at tae kwon doe and we both snap-kicked with our opposite feet.. 0_o Ooooie, that hoit a little bit.

Of course, it wasn't as bad as our "barefoot indoor soccer" games at tae kwon doe; I bled underneath my toenail multiple times because we were kicking each other's feet instead of the ball. :-|

October 08, 2005 9:47 AM  
Blogger cpuaggie said...

My toe certainly did turn very pretty colors. When the doctor was looking at the x-rays, he said on one, he couldn't see anything, but on the other one, he saw what looked like a break. He said it could be just a skin line, but in any case "you bruised the h*** out of it." I was rather suprised to hear that coming from a doctor in his 50's or 60's. He said he'll go ahead and treat it like a break because it certainly looked like it could be.

October 08, 2005 2:02 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hmmm... I heard about you hurting your toe, but not the details...

Jesse (bookworm from TROG)

October 08, 2005 8:57 PM  
Blogger joe4444 said...

I've never broken a bone in my life, so I cant say that I know how ya feel. But I did have toe surgery last January, where the doctor had to cut out an in-grown toenail (trust me its more gross than it sounds). I'm sure it wasnt as bad, although it did take about 4 months or so for the side of my toenail to grow all the way back in. Anyway I hope ya get better soon and I'll be praying for ya.

October 12, 2005 10:26 PM  

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