Monday, September 05, 2005

The Week in Review

Well, my birthday went pretty well. I went over to a friend's apartment Friday night to hang out. The funny thing was, aside from my roomate (who is Mexican), I was the only non-Japanese guy there! It was hilarious! There were about 8 Japanese guys there. They started playing a Japanese soccer game on a PII. Everytime one of them would score or come really close to scoring, they would all holler and shout then jabber on in Japanese. It was great!

Sunday I went to church at New Providence Primitive Baptist Church in Cameron, TX. There were only about 7 or of us there because a bunch were gone to the Primitive Baptist Association that was going on nearby. Brother Vince Hardy preached a really great sermon, despite the small attendance. After church I went back with Brother Vince Hardy and his family to wash clothes. While washing clothes, I worked on some Chemistry then played Crazy 8, Go Fish, and War with Hannah, their 10 year old daughter. Then it was supper time and Brother Vince cooked us up some really thick and juicy hamburgers! They were great!

I finished up that wonderful supper, chatted a little longer, gathered up my clean clothes, and headed out the door. I got back to the dorm and discovered that my computer's internet connection was still not working (it had stopped working the night before). By then, I was ready to start throwing things (my roomate can testify) because I have to have internet connection to do certain things. So I ended up having to call Help Desk Central on campus to see if they had an idea of what was going on. Well lo and behold, they had deactivated about 1,000 student's internet connection to force them into installing the latest Service Pack. I received no e-mail about it so I had no idea. He ended up having to walk me through it to do it manually. Once I got it done though, everything was just dandy!

Monday (today) I got up for Calculus 2. Found out that the prof is going to be giving us another homework set tomorrow to do while we are still working on the first one.:-P With that in mind, it became imperitive to make sure i finished the first homework set tonight so as not to get behind. After Calculus I took off for Symphonic Band rehearsal. It went rather well. I went from there to my Beginning Swimming class. There, I learned the back float, which I seem to have extreme difficulty doing or even attempting for that matter. After that, I high-tailed it to Engineering Chemistry and tried to stay awake through moles and line structures of formulas. It's so easy it's not even funny. From there it was off to work! At work I was actually able to get help with some of my Calculus 2 homework that I needed to get finished tonight, so I got a really good headstart on it. Turns out, I got off work early (6:00pm) which meant I had more time to finish it (the homework is all done online). I finally finished it and submitted the assignment.

Then it was suppertime. I grabbed some food and headed to the dorm to find my roomate still gone. So after a few hours, here I am!


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