Thursday, October 13, 2005

Fightn' Texas Aggie Band

Aggie Band forming up at the north end of Kyle Field.

The Aggie Band was in a block formation and then once the front line reaches a certain point, those that are in the front do a unique "turn around" and march in between the ranks of those behind them.

Doing the same thing as above, but the move is a little more visible in this picture.

This is just before the Aggie Band forms their signature Block T.

The Block T just as the first few lines on the left side of the picture are turning around and marching back through towards the right side of the picture.

The Block T as the band heads back to the north end of Kyle Field.

As the tradition goes, once the Aggie Band reaches the endzone, everyone breaks formation and runs to the endzone.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah I remeber seeing that one time on one of the movies that Tom and Kathy have...

Jesse L.(bookworm from TROG)

October 14, 2005 3:52 PM  

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