Thursday, May 25, 2006

TAMU PTTS Gestapo vs The Justinator

The Texas A&M PTTS (Parking, Traffic & Transportation Services) Gestapo struck again, only this time it was I who was the victim. For years I had heard about how ridiculous those fat scooter riders (I'm not kidding, they really are) are when writing out parking citations. When you park in 30 minute parking, they won't hesitate to give you a citation before your time is up. Now I know why people call them the Parking Gestapo.

Anyways, on to my story. That fateful day was a rather hot and humid one. I had until 12:00pm to move out of the dorm before they deactivated my card access. The best place to park was alongside the street in the bikelane that runs beside my dorm, Hobby (note the black bar encircled in red in the map below and the green square where my car was parked). Normally it's illegal to park there, but for the week of finals and several days after, they had that area as a designated loading area including the day I was moving. So, that's where I parked. The nearest alternative was around 100+ meters from the entrance of the dorm and that was only after going down four flights of stairs. I figured that since it was legal for that week, it would be fine.....

I was able to get a little help with three big things, but the rest was up to me. I kept going upstairs, grabbing a few more things, down to the car in the street, back up to the dorm, grab a few things, back down to the car, etc, etc. I was bringing down another load when I happened to notice something fluttering on my windshield. "What???!!" Imagine my frustration! Here I was parking in a designated loading area, loading everything on my own, and I get a citation!

To make the day even more exciting, it started raining when I was trying to move everything into my summer residence.

I finally finished moving in and sat down to decided what my options were with the citation. I could appeal it and probably get shot down like it happened to most, or I could just pay it. Well, being the stubborn guy that I am (especially in situations when I know I'm being taken advantage of), I appealed it. I explained the whole situation in front of the student board of appeals arguing (well, not really arguing) for dismissal of the citation. But they refused and just reduced the fine by $10 for parking legally in a designated loading zone. It's certainly better than the original amount, but it really should've been dismissed. Looks like The Justinator was defeated this time:(


Anonymous Anonymous said...

OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH!!!!! I can just imagine how and why your "blood probably boiled"!

May 25, 2006 6:56 PM  
Blogger joe4444 said...

Sorry man, I know the feeling. I got a ticket for going 70 on a 55mph interstate here in Memphis recently (a bogus charge because I dont know a single car that goes slower than 75 there, and its too slow of a speed limit, but to me every speed limit is too slow), that one is the first of my traffic tickets that will go on my record.

As for parking tickets, well.... they arent quite as picky at the Univ of Memphis as there at Texas A&M, but I have my own stories of complaint as well, I wont go into them, but hey dont worry about it man, $30 isnt the end of the world.

May 27, 2006 11:13 PM  

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